In order that your children gain the greatest benefit from education, it is essential that they attend school regularly and punctually. Every day at Graham School we strive to ensure high quality learning experiences for all of our students. Whilst at school, students also benefit from spending time with their friends and engaging in a range of extra-curricular activities. If they are absent they are missing out, which could impact negatively on their learning and academic progress as well as their social and emotional well-being. We do not want any student at Graham School to be disadvantaged; please support us by ensuring your child attends school every day.
Did you know?
Whilst it is clear then that poor attendance at school often has a very negative effect on an individual, there are many ways that parents can help their child to improve attendance, a few of which are set out below:
Please ensure that your child attends whenever they are able to, regardless of what the school day holds for them.