100% Exam
No Controlled Assessment
Led by: Mrs C Swinton
Exam Board: AQA
Students should only choose Separate Sciences if it has been recommended they do so.
What will I be studying?
In Separate Sciences, students have the opportunity to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics in greater depth.
For each branch of science, a series of practical skills will be examined in addition to the theory content. At the end of the course, students will be awarded a separate GC SE grade for each of the separate sciences, giving three grades in total. The separate sciences are ideal preparation for the study of the separate sciences at A Level.
Students require a good level of numeracy and literacy to access the higher level material on the course.
What can I do afterwards?
Separate Science provides a sound basis for A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics and would be an advantage to students wishing to study science at University or follow a career in science such as medicine, psychology or engineering. The analytical skills developed in the separate sciences can be transferred to subjects such as law or architecture.