Principal - Emma Robins
Principal - Emma Robins


Letter to parents – 16 July 2021

Letter from the Principal

It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of term. This has been the most incredible year for so many reasons and I would like to thank you for your continued support. We should not underestimate what has been achieved during this year.  The challenges have been immense. I recognise that many of you may have been unwell, suffered bereavements, struggled with employment issues or had to spend significant periods self-isolating. Throughout all of this, your children have continued to show great resilience and I congratulate them on their achievements. Despite the pandemic we have celebrated success in the classroom, enjoyed seeing your children thrive and develop, as well as supporting them through the harder moments. Next week we will be sharing an edition of our ‘Graham Gazette’ with you. I hope that you will enjoy reading about our experiences during this final term of the school year.

Read the full letter here