Principal - Emma Robins
Principal - Emma Robins


Our Staff

Please see below for details of our staff.  To contact a member of staff please click on their name.  If you are unsure who to contact, please email: and your email will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

Senior Leadership Team



Miss E Robins

Vice Principal: Behaviour & Attitudes

Mr A Wilson

Vice Principal: Quality of Education

Mrs K Shires

Assistant Vice Principal: Inclusion, Transition & Raising Aspirations

Mr G Peattie

Assistant Vice Principal: Quality of Education

Mrs K Sissons

Assistant Vice Principal: Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs C Connell

Associate Assistant Vice Principal: Careers and Director of Learning DT

Mrs E Millican

Support Services Manager (Graham School & George Pindar School)

Mr M Ward


Pastoral Team

Head of Year 7

Mr T Hutchinson

Head of Year 8

Mr A Moore

Head of Year 9

Mr T Plant

Head of Year 10

Miss S Umpleby

Head of Year 11

Mr M Smythe
Education Welfare Support Officer Mrs S Swan


Curriculum Leaders

Arts & Well Being (Art, Dance, Drama, Music, PE)

Mr S Granger

Communications (English, MFL: French, Spanish)

Mrs F Norton

Humanities (Geography, History, RS)

Miss N Henderson

Maths (Business, ICT, Maths)

Miss G Taylor

Character (Philosophy & Ethics)

Mr M Bell

Science (Biology, Chemistry, Health & Social Care,  Physics, Psychology)

Miss C Swinton

Technology (Engineering, Food, Graphics, Textiles, Workshop)

Mrs E Millican


Teaching Teams


Mr S Granger, Mr A Moore, Mrs M Wharton

Business / ICT

Miss S Green


Miss G Noble

Design Technology

Mrs E Millican – Director of Learning, Mr D Pettitt – 2nd in Technology, Tim Hutchinson, Miss K Dowson and Miss J Humphriss


Miss A Estill, Mrs K Sissons


Mrs F Norton (Director of Learning), Mrs V Darke (KS4 Lead), Mr J Bannister (KS3 Lead), Mr S Bennet, Miss J Dale, Mrs R Ellis-Mainprize, Miss A Estill, Mrs K Sissons, Mr C McGregor, Mrs K Thompson


Miss N Henderson – Director of Learning
Mr K Featherstone, Mrs A Giddings, Miss S Harrison, Mr  M Ogle, Miss E Saxton, Mr M Sissons (2nd in Humanities), Mr S Williams

Health & Social Care and Child Care

Miss L Johnson


Miss G Taylor – Director of Learning
Miss L Allen, Mrs K Berezanskij, Mrs C Connell, Mr D Gadd, Mr J McGuigan, Mr G Peattie, Mrs S Pennock (2nd in Maths), Mrs K Gerrard, Mrs K Shires

MFL: French & Spanish

Mrs K Curtis (Subject Leader), Miss S Green, Miss E Robins, Ms H Otway

Music Ms A Barlow (Performing Arts Subject Leader)


Mr M Bell, Mr Brown, Mrs Toleman, Mr T Beck, Miss S Umpleby, Mrs B Toleman (Subject Leader)


Mrs K Shires


Miss C Swinton (Subject Leader), Mrs A Gadd (2nd in Science), Miss C Hepples, Miss P Moore, Mr T Plant, Dr C Rawling, Mr M Smythe, Mrs J Wade

Mr R Johnson (Technician), Mr M Sargeant

Cover Supervisors

Mrs A Arnell, Miss I Metcalfe, Mr A Thomas, Mrs S Turner, Mr T Welford




Mr D Brown

Assistant SENDCo

Mrs L Coyne

Learning Mentor


Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss J Towse

Senior Advanced Teaching Assistant

Miss J Muirhead

General Teaching Assistant

Mrs M Bowman

General Teaching Assistant

Mr D Smart

General Teaching Assistant

Mrs B Taylor

General Teaching Assistant

Miss P Donbavand

General Teaching Assistant

Mrs D Hunter

General Teaching Assistant

Mrs V Papatrecha

General Teaching Assistant

Mrs V Oakley

General Teaching Assistant


General Teaching Assistant

Mrs P Wait

General Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Appleton

General Teaching Assistant


General Teaching Assistant

Mrs J McGregor


Administration Team


Mrs C Dowey

Principal’s PA

Mrs L Corcoran

Senior Administrator

Miss A Hudson


Mrs N Branney



Careers Adviser

Mrs P Harker

Data & Exams Officer

Mrs E Maughan

Senior Administrator (Finance)

Miss J Harwood

Finance Officer (Graham School & George Pindar School)

Mrs R Tipping-Wood

LRC Manager

Mrs D Rawling


Alternative Provision Team


Mrs R Wood

AP Tutor

Mrs A Hillion, Mr A Marshall, Miss L Speight


Attendance and Behaviour Team

Behaviour Manager

Miss J Britton

Seclusion Manager

Mr P Bowdige-Harling

Year 7 Behaviour Support Officer

Mrs N Hughes

Year 8 Behaviour Support Officer

Miss M Boorer

Year 9 Behaviour Support Officer

Mrs E Jackson

Year 10 Behaviour Support Officer

Miss C Smith

Year 11 Behaviour Support Officer

Mrs L Hodgson

Senior Attendance Officer

Mrs Y Fairbank

Attendance Officer

Ms N Riley

Attendance Officer

Mrs J Coleman

Family Liaison Officer

Mrs J Taylor


Technicians Team

Art & Technology Technician

Mr T Landray

Food Technician

Mrs K McDermott
IT Technician (Vital)

Mr L Henderson

Senior Science Technician

Mr R Johnson

Science Technician

M Sargeant


Site Team

Facilities Manager (Graham School & George Pindar School)

Mr I Firth

Support Services Manager (Graham School & George Pindar School)

Mr M Ward

Site Supervisor

Mr G O’Carroll & Mr B Longhorn


Mr S Boot, Mrs O Christey, Miss F Flynn, Mr A Hepples, Mrs A Komorowska, Mr K Swales, Miss L Middleton, Mr K Jones, Mr R Stephenson and Mrs S Edwins