100% Exam
No Controlled Assessment Led by: Mrs K Curtis
Exam Board:
What will I be studying?
Your learning will follow a similar format to Key Stage 3 lessons, with a lot of speaking and listening, but topics will be covered in much greater depth. Themes cover relevant topics such as new technologies, media, school life and coping with everyday situations on holiday.
You will follow the AQA course, which involves four externally-assessed examinations.
Continuing a language to GCSE level will help you to understand how a language works, support your literacy skills in English and give you an insight into the culture of the country.
What can I do afterwards?
A GCSE in a modern foreign language is now an entrance requirement for some degrees at University. This course will prepare you to move on to A Levels in your chosen language and can help you access careers such as journalism, primary and secondary teacher, translation and interpretation, lawyer, doctor, air steward or the diplomatic service.