Principal - Emma Robins
Principal - Emma Robins




100% Exam

No Controlled Assessment Led by: Mr M Sissons

Entry code:  8145GE

What will I be studying?

Paper 1: is called Understanding the Modern World. Students will study aspects of international history, including a study on either Germany 1891-1945 or the USA 1920-1973 and a period study encompassing the two World Wars.   

Paper 2: is called Shaping the Nation. Students will study aspects of British history, including a study on the Norman Conquest and a thematic study based on key developments in British society. History focuses on developing explanation and analysis, the critical use of source material and our understanding of how the past has been interpreted.

What can I do afterwards?

GCSE History is an academic course that focuses on key skills that are keenly sought by colleges and universities. This includes research skills and personal organisation; forming an opinion based on the facts and then express this verbally and on paper; the ability to discuss ideas and come to a balanced conclusion; the ability to analyse a wide range of source material to decide what is true and what is not. Career paths that use History include law, journalism, government, education, research, management, communications and PR.