Exam 50%
Controlled Assessment 50%
Led by: Mrs E Millican
Exam Board: AQA
What will I be studying?
Students will be required to cover all aspects of the core content delivered as product design. Students will design and make quality products with creativity, originality and flair using a wide range of materials, new technologies and modern electronic devices. This course is partly practical with students designing and making their own prototype products such as LED lighting and stereo MP3 speakers. They will also be able to design and respond to design briefs and contexts. Students will learn about computer-aided design and use software to simulate electronic circuits and render 3D designs that they could print out using a 3D printer.
What can I do afterwards?
With a GCSE in Design and Technology students can show that they have the practical skills and technical understanding to progress further in subjects such as Engineering, Electronics, Product Design and apprenticeships in plumbing, electrics and motor vehicle maintenance. They can also go into areas such as computer and game console repair and generally any job requiring a practically skilled individual.
Learning Journey
Click here to take a look at the Learning Journey for Design Technology: Product Design
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like – Design is how it works.”