100% Exam
No Controlled Assessment Led by: Mrs K Curtis
Exam Board:
Studying a language to GCSE level will help you to understand how a language works, support your
literacy skills in English and give you an insight into the culture of the country. You will firstly cover
an introductory unit to Spanish and develop basic skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing in
Spanish before covering the main GCSE themes at a higher level. The course covers three main
themes: Identity and Culture; Local, National and Global Areas of Interest, and Current and Future
Study and Employment .You will follow the AQA course, which involves 4 externally assessed
examinations, each worth 25% of the final GCSE. There is a speaking exam ,which accounts for 25%
of the final grade; this is conducted in school with your teacher. There are two tiers available: Higher
and Foundation. Higher students can gain grades 4–9 and Foundation students can gain grades 1–5.
This course will prepare you to move on to A Levels in your chosen language and can help you access
careers in journalism, the tourism industry, primary and secondary teaching, translation and
interpretation, being a lawyer, doctor, air steward or even a career in the diplomatic service. A GCSE
in a modern foreign language is also now an entrance requirement for some degrees at University.