Principal - Emma Robins
Principal - Emma Robins


SEND Overview


At Graham School, we provide an ambitious curriculum which is rich in the knowledge and cultural capital that all pupils, and in particular those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), need to succeed in life.

Those with SEND are part of every element of whole school life including our diverse range of enrichment activities.

Class teachers have responsibility, under the guidance of the SENDCo, Mr D Brown, to ensure the curriculum they deliver is appropriately adapted to ensure that all pupils have appropriate access and are supported to achieve their expected outcomes. The SENDCo works with the Directors of Learning and subject leads to QA the curriculum and lesson delivery. 

SEND learning passports, detail the access arrangements and adaptive teaching strategies required for pupils to engage fully with the curriculum, these are created and regularly updated termly in collaboration with the pupil and their parents.

Provision demonstrates ambition for pupil outcomes but is mindful of pupils’ starting points and may demonstrate appropriate adaptations to ensure good progress. For a small minority of pupils personalised curriculums may be implemented.


The diagram below illustrates some of the possible adaptations (not exhaustive) that we implement as necessary. These will be adapted to suit the needs of the individual as well as the requirements of each subject.

As a school we use Teaching Walkthrus (Tom Sherrington & Oliver Caviglioli) to ensure Quality First Teaching that is inclusive.  The strategies we are adopt are as follows:

  • Clearly sequenced curriculum;
  • Chunking content and providing scaffolding;
  • Modelling & concrete examples;
  • Effective questioning;
  • Retrieval Practice and spaced learning;
  • Dual coding & visual prompts;
  • Explicit teaching of new vocabulary;
  • Feedback as part of every lesson (Live marking & feedback – effective AFL strategies)

In addition, we use ‘The Five-a-day Principles’ as recommended by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to support the learning of SEND pupils


By the end of the curriculum, SEND pupils will have the knowledge, skills and cultural capital that will enable them to be successful at secondary school and beyond. The impact of their successful access to our curriculum will be assessed through the multi-faceted approach applied to all pupils but also, in addition to this, through close monitoring by the SENDCo and class teachers.